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Available Data Sets

Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI)

Sovereign bonds
climate mitigation
The CCPI uses a standardized framework to compare the climate performance of 63 countries and the EU, which together account for over 90% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
aerial shot of a tractor plowing through a field with dried crops
layer of noise to add atmosphere to the image

Climate Action Tracker (CAT)

Sovereign bonds
climate mitigation
CAT quantifies and evaluates climate change mitigation targets, policies and action. It also aggregates country action to the global level, determining likely temperature increases.
garbage dump on a tropical island

Available Q2 2024

an opaque layer of nosie to add atmosphere to the image

Net Zero Tracker (NZT)

climate mitigation
The Net Zero Tracker aims to increase transparency and accountability of net zero targets pledged by nations, states and regions, cities and companies.
aerial shot of a river delta from space
opaque layer of noise to add atmosphere to the image

Available Q2 2024

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